Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Where is RI health exchange network.

I am new at understanding Health exchanges .My understanding is they provide as (Central)reservoir for information to all participating providers.They should be neutral and not for profit if possible. Massachusetts has an early start as it created NEHEN for that purpose.It has been operating since 1998.

I think it would be better that we join it and for interstate partnership with it .That will keep our costs down and will help public which uses services in neighboring state and many time work or live in both states.

Expertise developed by NEHEN would be a great asset to Rhode Island and we will benefit from their experience at little cost.

From NEHEN website what others are saying about NEHEN

Forrester's Top 10 Healthcare Predictions
“Successful regional solutions ... like New England's NEHEN will force national players ... to trim prices and find new sources of revenue

“An alternative to turning everything over to a national clearinghouse is to create a regional clearinghouse. We've seen a lot of regional efforts to do this. One mature example is something called NEHEN…. The economics are compelling.”

Modern Healthcare, EYE on INFO
“…. Boston providers are finding that the case for electronic claims transaction standards is open and shut. Who can argue with a double or triple return on investment within two to three years? …”

LA Times
“NEHEN is so efficient that several members are considering reductions in their administrative staff.”

Baseline Magazine
“…a near-""plug and play"" infrastructure that can accept any New England health care provider or payer in days rather than months……”
HealthData Management
“NEHEN …is an innovative example of how organizations can work together on administrative simplification…”
“One of the members initially developed the software used to route transactions … donated that software to NEHEN, enabling the other members to quickly ramp up their transaction volumes with minimal cost.”
“…successfully active …Statewide healthcare information network…”"

I HAVE NOT VISITED NEHEN this just what their website is telling.By the way DR John Halamka is NEHEN chairman.

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