Monday, November 29, 2010

Dancing or moving to music can make one steady on feet.

Now we have a research showing that the people who Dance are more steady on their feet ,they have to be,that is what dancing is all about.More the practice the better one gets.
So go and dance .It does not matter if one dances alone to music or with partner or in a group.
I still remember that Portuguese tipsy old man dancing by himself in the plaza with a great grace.He had grace of stars.This man was fats and nimble on feet must have been in seventies .He really had good time telling us that he was offered dancing roles in Hollywood and it was very believable.


Inefficiency Hurts U.S. In Ranking of Health

Whereas in the U.S. we have a highly inefficient health system that’s taking away financial resources from other lifesaving programs.”

New study has found that our health care cost has increased three fold in last 30 or so years and we have not improved the ranking on the health in the world.This is based on study of many advanced countries of the world.We have most expensive health care system which fails to deliver us the services.

We have reduced smoking in our population .Our ranking remains terrible 49 th in the world.

We will have to improve the health care delivery and efficiency in our system so we may control cost and deliver better care for our patients(that is us).I see it happening with EMR mandate and meaningful use part of it which will benefit us tremendously

RI Quality institute

Todays a press release from Direct project formerly known as NHIN direct.

The Direct Project is organizing real-world pilots to demonstrate health information exchange
using The Direct Project standards and services. Six pilots are ramping up including:
Rhode Island Quality Institute.

It is a great honor that my little Rhody is participating in this pilot project .I am not sure how it is interacting with NEHEN . What are the Future implications .

from superficial look at the RIQI it seems like a private public partnership.Board constitutes of retired officials and current health practioners and providers.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

An experiment In mother and child care delivers results

In India failing to provide public health services in the state of Gujrat they contracted OBs GNY practitioners in private practice.They compensated them at on average cost of rupees 1795 per delivery which is about 40 dollars .In US average cost of a child birth may be in excess of 12000 dollars.

In the process many practitioners were able to improve their earnings to 20000 dollars per year which is a handsome ammount.

This is not a silver bullet to the problem .With a shortage of services and many times money to pay for it A complicated pregnancy can ruin the finances of a family and put them in a downward spiral of financial ruin.The government has made a leap in service and is providing solutions out of the box .Mixing the public and private for the public good.

It would be good if in America we could get some benefits of the systems they are creating for the universal problems we all share.

May be their are solutions Like unique Identification they are creating in India .Security of personal data is very critical in our society.Hope we can help each other from the experiences we have and develop. It is always important to use just enough medicine to treat the ailment.

Friday, November 26, 2010

List of approved softwares by Certification Commision

Monday, November 22, 2010

Medication histories and current medication lists.

Dr Halamka in his blog
Discusses how he found both of his parents in hospital on his visit with them and had difficulty in clearly defining medication histories for them.He as a trained physician was able to do with great effort and found that in their cupboard their were medications they were not using any more and he had to separate medications for each of them.
It raised an important issue that EMR and our medical care system should help us facilitate to track the medications we are taking even when we are getting older.A better system can solve this problem.
Any body making such a system or improved system could make money and help medication errors.

P.s. These Problems will be resolved in coming years by implementing EMR and meaningful use.It is important that system may remain simple and important information sensitive.These long pamphlets given with all medicines are useless for patients simple label warnings should be the norm and Doctors and Pharmacists should be required to check for the conflicts.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Why Ipads could become Device of choice for EMR practices.

Here is a detailed article in CIO insider Magazine.

Why One Company is Ditching Sales Laptops for iPads

Take a look at the decision process behind one company's move to replace laptops with iPads and embrace the consumerization of enterprise IT - plus the training and security issues that have popped up.

This article analyses how Ipad is a better tool than laptop. I am a strong believer that any technology which mimics the current process and improves on it without complicating it will be the final successfully accepted technology.

I can envision all the Medical practices will have a device like Ipad/or other tablet in every examination room.Once a patient is checked in. The person checking in would create and open the records of the patient for the doctor review.Check for all the things they do now and hand it over to attending doctor like they do with paper files now.Doctor reviews and examins the patient, makes recomendations including prescrptions.Patients goes back to the front desk and the attendent reviews required follow up and sends the instructions to required providers and bill for it while updating the records.

While filling prescription software checks and double checks for any allergies and conflicts in prescriptions.In future it may also check for the best cost effective choices for filling the prescrptions.

The company has figured costs for Ipad in the range of 1500 dollars per unit against a laptop 2200 dollars.They think their are issues with support which need attention.

Conceptus is looking at a few apps on the App Store as a temporary fix, but the long-term goal is to implement a Citrix virtual desktop solution sometime next year, whereby documents reside on the server and are accessed via a native iPad app.

"Until we get some level of virtualization on the device for those tasks, we don't have a firm answer," Letasse says. "There's a gap between now and when we can go without a laptop."

In the case of EMR this problem does not exist as IPad will WI Fi connected with the web and a server with in few feets.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Eclinical works 2010 conferrence

The 2010 eClinicalWorks National Users' Conference with nearly 3,000 attendees was an unprecedented success.

Dr John Halamka was the keynote speaker.I still do not know enough about EMR.Dr John Halamka's presence gives me confidence in EClinical Works.Time is coming when we will have to study the EMR's like EClinical Works and others .Are they one of the leaders.Number of practitioners using it gives one impression that they are.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lifespan Part of NEHEN (Founding Memebr)

Just a short study is letting me understand that in RI Lifespan is ahead of the game as it was one of the founding members of the exchange.


No wonder you are the leaders.

I am assured that it would be able to meet meaningful use criteria set by the mandates.

Where is RI health exchange network.

I am new at understanding Health exchanges .My understanding is they provide as (Central)reservoir for information to all participating providers.They should be neutral and not for profit if possible. Massachusetts has an early start as it created NEHEN for that purpose.It has been operating since 1998.

I think it would be better that we join it and for interstate partnership with it .That will keep our costs down and will help public which uses services in neighboring state and many time work or live in both states.

Expertise developed by NEHEN would be a great asset to Rhode Island and we will benefit from their experience at little cost.

From NEHEN website what others are saying about NEHEN

Forrester's Top 10 Healthcare Predictions
“Successful regional solutions ... like New England's NEHEN will force national players ... to trim prices and find new sources of revenue

“An alternative to turning everything over to a national clearinghouse is to create a regional clearinghouse. We've seen a lot of regional efforts to do this. One mature example is something called NEHEN…. The economics are compelling.”

Modern Healthcare, EYE on INFO
“…. Boston providers are finding that the case for electronic claims transaction standards is open and shut. Who can argue with a double or triple return on investment within two to three years? …”

LA Times
“NEHEN is so efficient that several members are considering reductions in their administrative staff.”

Baseline Magazine
“…a near-""plug and play"" infrastructure that can accept any New England health care provider or payer in days rather than months……”
HealthData Management
“NEHEN …is an innovative example of how organizations can work together on administrative simplification…”
“One of the members initially developed the software used to route transactions … donated that software to NEHEN, enabling the other members to quickly ramp up their transaction volumes with minimal cost.”
“…successfully active …Statewide healthcare information network…”"

I HAVE NOT VISITED NEHEN this just what their website is telling.By the way DR John Halamka is NEHEN chairman.

Some ideas on EMR

As a national agenda to control costs and serve our population better Obama administaration has under taken and funded a mandate for EMR. A greate ammount of investment is being made in the IT of the medical delivery services to meat this goal.

With EMR and meaningful mandates the medical care will become more responsive to patients needs and deliver better care . I will be working with you ,to get the maximum benefits out of the process so that minorities and others who are extensive useres of hospital services may benefit from this investment of 100s of billion dollars.Education of patients ( through the effected communities) is integral part of that.representation of minority providers make it urgent for us to educate and train the youth in this field to provide the services .When we want to raise the standard of living in our communities it is important that we provide jobs to the one who do not have and upgrade the skills for all so that upward mobility is the norm not the exception.We need to be reminded that who are given a lotshould lift the one's who are left behind.

One way to uplift our community is to develop our talents locally by using our institutions to their fullest potential. Let us use all the advantages we have including proximity to learning institution of Mass and take advantage of using the experiences of state mandated health

Low cost care and developments in EMRS in that state .

things to study
What are the softwares used by hospital for EMRs
What are the softwares used by insurance companies that is blue cross,aetna,medicaid and medicare
What are the softwares used by providers (doctors,pharmacists,other providers )

Study the massachusset NEHEN software operablity.
Study what dept of health had plans for data and what sytem they were using.

Develop relationship with suppliers of software as agents and sell it to the service providers with ayearly billing to be aupported by federal funding for the project.

This is the first post on Halamaka's bad day

I will be posting articles concerning EMR and my research on the subject.

Here is a nice article,chronicling the events when all systems went down for the hospital in 2002.This showes the travails of best among us.In the end Dr Halamka shares his experience for the benefit of everybody.

Halamka on Beth Israel's Health-Care IT Disaster
By Scott Berinato
Sat, February 15, 2003